Stone Castles by Trish Morey

Reviewed by Nas

 STONE CASTLES by author Trish Morey is a December 2014 release by Pan McMillan.

Pip Martin had everything she wanted back in New York. A high flying job she loved and great life. So when she came back to the deathbed of her Grandma, why did she feel something was lacking? Was it to do with Luke Trenorden, the man she had walked away from ten years ago?

Luke certainly felt the spark rekindle for Pip, but would it bring them close or shatter any chances of them ever finding happiness? Then the big secret is out. Will it destroy Pip now?

STONE CASTLES moves along very fast. This is a second chance story with first loves. Pip and Luke had emotional baggage they were keeping hidden. This tale takes a reader deep into both the characters’ psyche to discover how they are hurt by omissions of truth and lies and how they build stone castles around their hearts. It is a story that will stay with a reader long after she closes the book. It has that momentous impact by all the emotion depicted in this tale.

Recommended to all readers.