Maya Linnell

Reviewed by Helen
What a fabulous debut, I have been eager to read this one since it was released and thoroughly enjoyed it, although I have to say there were times that had me feeling like yelling at people and for me that is a what makes me love a book when the author gets me so involved with the characters whether it is crying or yelling the emotions flowed.
Penny McIntyre is a marketing executive in a firm in Melbourne and loves her high powered job although raised on a sheep station, the city is where she lives with her boyfriend Vince, but when she gets really sick and needs to convalesce for a few months she is sent back to Macintyre Park to recoup her health with the help of her father and three sisters. Penny is not at all happy to find that her old boyfriend Tim Patterson is now working there and helping run the farm, and there seems to be some tension between one of her sisters.
It is not long before Penny is starting to feel at home and much better, even if there are a few problems with Vince and workmates in the city, being around Tim is hard for Penny and then an accident on the farm with her father changes everything, with Tim wanting to buy the farm and one of her sisters Lara pushing for it, there is a lot of tension building and Penny needs to decide what it is she wants the country or the city.
This one was a page turner for me, I am the eldest of four girls although we are city girls, and there can be lots of ups and downs but in the end we are always there for each other, there was a lot of emotion for me throughout this book, it is moving and heartfelt, blood is thicker than water and family is everything and when crunch comes to crunch Penny stood tall and strong as did Tim he really is such a great hero, I loved him. There was a lot going on in this one and woohoo MS Linnell congrats on a fabulous story, this is one that I highly recommend.
5 stars
June 3rd 2019
by Allen & Unwin